- barHeight
- bbarHeight
- bbarHidden
- buttonsHeight
- buttonsHidden
- cellHeaderHeight
- cellHeight
- cellStylingCls
- cellTrackOver
- cellWrapper
- clicksToEdit
- cls
- columnClickData
- columnLines
- autoWidth
- align
- autoHeight
- cellAlign
- cellTip
- cls
- columns
- disallowAfterDrop
- displayKey
- draggable
- editable
- ellipsis
- exportFn
- exportable
- flex
- format
- headerCheckBox
- headerClickSort
- headerCls
- headerCellTip
- headerLImageCls
- hidden
- id
- index
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- listItemTpl
- lockable
- locked
- maxWidth
- menu
- minEditorWidth
- minListWidth
- minWidth
- multiSelect
- precision
- render
- resizable
- rightLocked
- rowdrag
- searchable
- select
- selectable
- smartIndexFn
- sortable
- sorter
- sparkConfig
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- summary
- title
- titleEditable
- type
- valueKey
- values
- vtype
- width
- controllers
- columnTrackOver
- contextmenu
- defaults
- dirtyEnabled
- draggable
- droppable
- dropZone
- dropZoneFn
- doubleHorizontalScroll
- emptyText
- activate
- beforeedit
- beforeendedit
- cellclick
- celldblclick
- cellenter
- cellleave
- change
- changepage
- changepagesize
- columnclick
- columndblclick
- columndrag
- columnenter
- columnhide
- columnleave
- columnshow
- columnresize
- columntitlechange
- deactivate
- delay
- deselectrow
- dragrows
- dropitems
- endedit
- filter
- init
- insert
- headercellclick
- headercellenter
- headercellleave
- load
- lockcolumn
- remove
- rowclick
- rowdblclick
- rowenter
- rowleave
- select
- selectrow
- servererror
- set
- scope
- sort
- startedit
- unlockcolumn
- update
- exporter
- flexScrollSensitive
- height
- id
- infinite
- i18n
- autoSizeColumn
- autoSizeColumns
- cancel
- columns
- decimalSeparator
- dragText
- loadingText
- lock
- no
- paging
- loadMask
- minHeight
- minWidth
- modal
- multiSort
- multiSortLimit
- nativeScroller
- paging
- renderOuter
- renderTo
- resizable
- rowEdit
- rowLines
- searching
- selModel
- shadow
- singleExpand
- state
- startEditByTyping
- stateful
- stateId
- striped
- subTBar
- allowToggle
- action
- cls
- data
- disabled
- displayKey
- editable
- emptyText
- enableToggle
- events
- format
- handler
- hidden
- id
- imageCls
- inputHeight
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- max
- menu
- minListWidth
- multiSelect
- multiToggle
- paramsMenu
- paramsText
- pressed
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- text
- tip
- toggleGroup
- type
- valueKey
- vtype
- width
- subTBarHeight
- subTBarHidden
- subHeaderFilter
- subTitle
- summary
- tabScrollStep
- tbar
- action
- allowToggle
- cls
- data
- disabled
- displayKey
- editable
- emptyText
- enableToggle
- events
- format
- handler
- hidden
- id
- imageCls
- inputHeight
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- max
- menu
- min
- minListWidth
- multiSelect
- multiToggle
- paramsMenu
- paramsText
- pressed
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- text
- tip
- toggleGroup
- type
- valueKey
- vtype
- width
- tbarHeight
- tbarHidden
- textSelection
- theme
- title
- Columns
- Events
- activate
- beforeedit
- beforeendedit
- cellclick
- celldblclick
- cellenter
- cellleave
- change
- changepage
- changepagesize
- columnclick
- columndblclick
- columndrag
- columnenter
- columnhide
- columnleave
- columnshow
- columnresize
- columntitlechange
- contextmenu
- deactivate
- deselectrow
- dragrows
- dropitems
- endedit
- filter
- init
- insert
- headercellclick
- headercellenter
- headercellleave
- load
- lockcolumn
- remove
- rowclick
- rowdblclick
- rowenter
- rowleave
- select
- selectrow
- servererror
- set
- sort
- startedit
- statechange
- unlockcolumn
- update
- Methods
- add
- addChild
- addColumn
- addEvent
- addFilter
- addGroup
- autoSizeColumns
- clearData
- clearDirty
- clearFilter
- clearGroup
- clearSelection
- collapse
- collapseAll
- collapseGroup
- copy
- deSelectRow
- destroy
- disableSelection
- each
- editCell
- enableSelection
- expand
- expandAll
- expandGroup
- exportToCSV
- exportToExcel
- find
- findItem
- fire
- firstPage
- flashCell
- flashRow
- get
- getById
- getCell
- getChanges
- getColumn
- getColumnById
- getColumns
- getData
- getDataAsCSV
- getDataFiltered
- getDataView
- getFilter
- getHeaderCell
- getHeight
- getPage
- getPages
- getPageSize
- getRowById
- getSelection
- getSorter
- getSubTitle
- getTitle
- getTotal
- getViewTotal
- getWidth
- hide
- hideBar
- hideColumn
- hideLoadMask
- isDirty
- isLoading
- insert
- lastPage
- load
- lockColumn
- nextPage
- on
- once
- prevPage
- redo
- remove
- removeAll
- removeAt
- removeColumn
- removeRow
- removeRowById
- rightLockColumn
- save
- scroll
- scrollToRow
- search
- selectCell
- selectCellDown
- selectCellLeft
- selectCellRight
- selectCellUp
- selectColumn
- selectRow
- set
- setById
- setColumnComboData
- setColumns
- setColumnTitle
- setColumnWidth
- setData
- setHeight
- setPage
- setPageSize
- setParams
- setSelModel
- setSubTitle
- setTitle
- setTrackOver
- setUrl
- setWidth
- show
- showAt
- showBar
- showColumn
- showLoadMask
- sort
- stopEditor
- stopSelection
- toggleCollapse
- toggleExpand
- un
- undo
- undoAll
- unLockColumn
- update
- updateFilters
Column types
action, checkbox, color, date, combo, image, number, string, switcher, text, tree,
grossloss, progressbar, progressdonut, hbar,
order, select, expand,
sparklineline, sparklinebar, sparklinetristate, sparklinediscrete, sparklinebullet ,sparklinepie, sparklinebox
All sparkline types are the same on syntax except of
which you can read on site http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/
action column type.
{ type: 'action', width: 65, items: [{ text: 'Delete', cls: 'action-column-remove', handler: function(grid, o){ grid.remove(o); } }
{ type: 'action', width: 65, items: [{ text: 'Delete', cls: 'action-column-remove', action: 'remove' }] }
Booleancheckbox column type.
{ index: 'married', title: 'Married', type: 'checkbox' }
Stringdate column type.
{ index: 'birthday', title: 'Birthday', type: 'date', width: 100 }
{ index: 'birthday', title: 'Birthday', type: 'date', format: { read: 'm/d/Y' } }
{ index: 'birthday', title: 'Birthday', type: 'date', format: { read: 'm/d/Y', write: 'd.m.Y', edit: 'm.d.Y' } }
Stringcombo column type.
{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', data: ['USA', 'Canada', 'England'] }
Stringimage column type.
.photo img { width: 80px; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: -10px; } ... { type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, cls: 'photo' }
Numbergrossloss column type.
{ title: 'Gross/Loss', index: 'changes', type: 'grossloss', width: 75, sparkConfig: { grossColor: '#6fb270', lossColor: '#dc6b67', showOnMax: true, percents: true }, rightLocked: true }
Numbernumber column type.
{ type: 'number', index: 'age', title: 'Age' }
{ title: '%', index: 'percent', width: 45, type: 'number', render: function(o){ if(o.value < 0){ o.style = { color: '#E46B67' }; } else{ o.style = { color: '#65AE6E' }; } o.value = o.value + '%'; return o; } }
Order column. It does numbered rows.
{ type: 'order', locked: true }
Numberprogressbar column type.
{ index: 'online', type: 'progressbar', width: 290, title: 'Relative size', sparkConfig: { percents: false } }
Numberprogressdonut column type.
{ title: 'Dynamics', rightLocked: true, cellAlign: 'center', index: 'progress', type: 'progressdonut', width: 66, sparkConfig: { size: 28, tipTpl: 'Value: {value} %' } }
Select column. It enables checkbox row selection.
Another solution to reach similiar functionality to use propertyselect
for column.{ type: 'select', locked: true }
Arraysparkline-s column type.
{ title: 'Line', index: 'data1', type: 'sparklineline', sparkConfig: { spotRadius: 1.7 } } data: [ { data1: [-2,3,4,1,0,-5], data2: [1,2,3,4,5]}, ... ];
{ width: 50, type: 'sparklineline', sparkConfig: { sliceColors: ["#9DB160", "#B26668", "#4091BA", "#8E658E", "#3B8D8B", "#B6CA79", "#CB7F81", "#4091BA", "#8E658E", "#3B8D8B"] }, values: ['toyota', 'gm', 'vw', 'ford', 'hyundai'] } data = [ { year: 2006, toyota: 6800228, gm: 5779719, vw: 5429896, ford: 3956708, hyundai: 2003608 }, { year: 2007, toyota: 7211474, gm: 6259520, vw: 5964004, ford: 3565626, hyundai: 2292075 }, ... ];
Stringstring column type.
{ type: 'string', index: 'name', title: 'Name' }
Booleanswitcher column type.
{ index: 'married', title: 'Married', type: 'switcher' }
Stringtext column type.
{ type: 'text', index: 'about', title: 'About' }
Stringtree column type.
{ type: 'tree', title: 'Name', width: 200, index: 'name' }
All listed properties can be auto set to columns if they do not already exist.defaults
ObjectDefaults columns properties.
defaults: { type: 'string', width: 100, editable: true, sortable: true },
All column configs
StringColumn header cell align.
... columns: [{ type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, align: 'center' },{ ...
left autoHeight
BooleanSet row height according to cell content height.
It is used only for column typetext
.... columns: [{ type: 'text', title: 'Info', index: 'info', width: 80, autoHeight: true },{ ...
false autoWidth
BooleanAuto width column according to data on grid init..
... columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Email', index: 'email', autoWidth: true },{ ...
false cellAlign
StringColumn cell align.
... columns: [{ type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, cellAlign: 'center' },{ ...
left cellTip
MixedColumn cell tooltip.
... columns: [{ type: 'number', width: 75, align: 'center', cellAlign: 'center', cellTip: '{title} sold {value}<br> items on {day}' },{ ...
... columns: [{ type: 'number', width: 75, align: 'center', cellAlign: 'center', cellTip: function(o){ if(!o.value){ return false; } return o.value; } },{ ...
If cellTip is function that it should return cell tip text, if it returns false than tip will not be shown.false cls
StringColumn css className.
.photo img { width: 80px; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: -10px; } ... columns: [{ type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, cls: 'photo' },{ ...
ArrayIt is used for grouping columns.
columns: [{ title: 'Company', index: 'name', type: 'string', width: 200, }, { text: 'Stock Price', columns: [{ title: 'Price', index: 'price' }, { title: 'Change', index: 'change', render: renderChangesFn }, { title: '% Change', index: 'pctChange', render: renderChangesFn }] }, { title: 'Last Updated', index: 'lastChange', type: 'string', width: 97 }] ...
MixedIt is used only for combo column type.
It is list of possible combo values.
{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', data: ['USA', 'Canada', 'England'] }
Dynamic loading from server
{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.php', method: 'POST', params: { region: 'europe' } } } } ... countries.php {"data": ["UK", "Germany", "France"]}
Returned data from server must be valid JSON, in other case it will not be rendered
Data - array of objects
Local Data
{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', displayKey: 'country', data: [ {country: "USA", id: 1}, {country: "Canada", id: 2}, {country: "England", id: 3} ] }
Server Data
{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', displayKey: 'country', data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.php', method: 'POST' } } } ... countries.php {"data": [{"country": "USA", "id": 1},{"country": "Canada", id: 2},{"country": "England", id: 3}]}
Returned data from server must be valid JSON, in other case it will not be rendered
BooleanDissalow drop column after current column when drag column.
columns: [{ ... },{ index: 'state', title: 'State', type: 'combo', width: 110, disallowAfterDrop: true
BooleanAllows column to be dragged.
draggable: true,
false draggable
BooleanAllows column to be dragged.
draggable: true,
false editable
BooleanEnable column editing.
editable: true,
false ellipsis
BooleanEnable ellipsis for overflowed text.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, ellipsis: true, title: 'About', index: 'about' }
false exportable
BooleanEnable ellipsis for overflowed text.
... columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Name', index: 'name', width: 80, exportFn: function(o){ o.value = o.data.name + ' ' + o.data.surname; return o; } },{ index: 'surname', exportable: false, title: 'Sur Name' },{ ...
false exportFn
FunctionHandler for getting custom export value.
... columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Name', index: 'name', width: 80, exportFn: function(o){ o.value = o.data.name + ' ' + o.data.surname; return o; } },{ index: 'surname', exportable: false, title: 'Sur Name' },{ ...
false filter
ObjectEnable column filtering.
filter: { header: true, emptyText: 'Search' }
NumberAuto-calc column width by fitting available width.
If to set one column to
than column width will fit to available grid width.If to set one column to
and another to2
than available width will be divided on 3.columns: [{ index: 'company', title: 'Company' },{ index: 'name', title: 'Name', sortable: true },{ index: 'surname', title: 'Sur Name' },{ index: 'age', title: 'Age', type: 'number', width: 50 },{ index: 'education', title: 'Education', flex: 1 }]
StringColumn formatting.
Values: 'number'.
format: 'number',
BooleanIt is used only for checkbox column type.
Configure as true to display a checkbox below the header text.
Clicking the checkbox will check/uncheck all records.{ index: 'active', resizable: true, type: 'checkbox', title: 'Active?', width: 100, headerCheckBox: true }
false headerClickSort
BooleanIt is used only for columns that are sortable.
It prevents sorting by click on column header cell.
It is used for sorting outside of grid over grid API.{ index: 'company', type: 'string', title: 'Company', sortable: true, headerClickSort: false } ... grid.sort('company', 'asc');
undefined headerCls
StringIt is used only for checkbox column type.
Configure as true to display a checkbox below the header text.
Clicking the checkbox will check/uncheck all records.{ index: 'company', type: 'string', title: 'Company', headerCls: 'header-cell-company' }
undefined headerLImageCls
StringIn column header cell there is inactive left to title image.
If to set css class name than this image will become active..phone { display: inline-block; width: 19px; height: 16px; background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20width%3D%2216%22%20height%3D%2216%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2016%2016%22%20style%3D%22shape-rendering%3AgeometricPrecision%22%20fill%3D%22%23555555%22%20%20opacity%3D%220.5%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill-rule%3D%22evenodd%22%20d%3D%22M6.2223%2C2.8573%20C6.4953%2C3.1303%206.4953%2C3.5723%206.2223%2C3.8453%20L5.2333%2C4.8333%20C4.9603%2C5.1063%205.0863%2C5.4653%205.2333%2C5.8213%20C5.5833%2C6.6653%206.3453%2C7.5103%207.4163%2C8.5813%20C8.6103%2C9.7763%209.3313%2C10.3323%2010.1753%2C10.7653%20C10.5193%2C10.9413%2010.8913%2C11.0383%2011.1633%2C10.7653%20L12.1523%2C9.7783%20C12.4253%2C9.5053%2012.8673%2C9.5053%2013.1403%2C9.7783%20L15.1173%2C11.7563%20C15.3903%2C12.0293%2015.3903%2C12.4713%2015.1173%2C12.7443%20L13.0653%2C14.7953%20C12.8233%2C15.0373%2012.4423%2C15.0683%2012.1643%2C14.8693%20C12.1643%2C14.8693%208.1363%2C13.6693%205.2333%2C10.7653%20C2.2063%2C7.7373%201.1303%2C3.8303%201.1303%2C3.8303%20C0.9313%2C3.5523%200.9633%2C3.1713%201.2043%2C2.9303%20L3.2573%2C0.8793%20C3.5303%2C0.6063%203.9723%2C0.6063%204.2453%2C0.8793%20L6.2223%2C2.8573%20Z%22%3E%3C%2Fpath%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E'); background-repeat: no-repeat; position: absolute; left: 2px; top: 7px; } ... },{ type: 'string', headerLImageCls: 'phone', cellAlign: 'right', sortable: false, title: 'Phone', index: 'phone' },{
undefined hidden
BooleanHide column on start.
{ index: 'married', resizable: true, type: 'checkbox', title: 'Married', width: 100, hidden: true }
false id
StringColumn id was added to solve cases when column does not have data index or data index is repeated on several columns.
If column id is not provided that it will be auto generated on base of column data index or random value.columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Name', index: 'name', id: 'name', width: 80, align: 'center' },{
Auto generation. index
String|NumberIndex(key) from data row.
Also read chart categories.
index: 'name',
columns: [{ title: 'Year', index: 'xAxis.categories', editable: false },{
Column order number index. itemCheckBox
BooleanAdds checkboxes for filter header combo list.
},{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', width: 99, filter: { header: true }, displayKey: 'text', valueKey: 'text', multiSelect: true, itemCheckBox: true, minListWidth: 120, data: { proxy: { url: '/json-data/theme/countries.json' } } },{
true items
ArrayIs used only for action column type.
Main purpose to generate button(s) inside of cell with handler and style if needed.
Handler items: [{ text: 'Delete', cls: 'action-column-remove', handler: function(grid, o){ grid.remove(o); } }]
Action items: [{ text: 'Delete', cls: 'action-column-remove', action: 'remove' }]
StringThis property is used for only combo colomn.
is template for left side of combo editor.This property is used for advanced templating combo.
Templating combos is one the most complex issue.columns: [{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', displayKey: 'text', valueKey: 'text', minEditorWidth: 150, minListWidth: 150, leftTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> l ', leftWidth: 35, listItemTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> <span class="country">{text}</span>', render: function(o){ var cls = 'flag-' + coutries[o.value]; o.value = '<span class="flag ' + cls + '"></span> <span class="country">' + o.value + '</span>'; return o; }, data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.json' } } },{ ...
undefined leftWidth
NumberThis property is used for only combo colomn.
is width of left side of combo editor.
This property can be used only if propertyleftTpl
is defined.This property is used for advanced templating combo.
Templating combos is one the most complex issue.columns: [{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', displayKey: 'text', valueKey: 'text', minEditorWidth: 150, minListWidth: 150, leftTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> l ', leftWidth: 35, listItemTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> <span class="country">{text}</span>', render: function(o){ var cls = 'flag-' + coutries[o.value]; o.value = '<span class="flag ' + cls + '"></span> <span class="country">' + o.value + '</span>'; return o; }, data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.json' } } },{ ...
20 listItemTpl
StringThis property is used for only combo colomn.
is template for list item for combo editor.This property is used for advanced templating combo.
Templating combos is one the most complex issue.columns: [{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', displayKey: 'text', valueKey: 'text', minEditorWidth: 150, minListWidth: 150, leftTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> l ', leftWidth: 35, listItemTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> <span class="country">{text}</span>', render: function(o){ var cls = 'flag-' + coutries[o.value]; o.value = '<span class="flag ' + cls + '"></span> <span class="country">' + o.value + '</span>'; return o; }, data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.json' } } },{ ...
undefined lockable
BooleanEnable/disable column locking.
locked: false,
true locked
BooleanLocking column.
locked: true,
false maxWidth
NumberThe maximum width of column.
maxWidth: 150,
MixedEnables column menu.
menu: true,
Example: Custom Default menu
menu: ['sort', '-', 'columns', '-', 'lock'],
Example: Custom menu
menu: ['columns', '-', { text: 'Hi', handler: function(){ alert('Hi'); } }],
Example: One menu with columns only
menu: 'columns',
false minEditorWidth
NumberThis property is used for only combo colomn.
is min width of combo editor.
This property is used for advanced templating combo.
Templating combos is one the most complex issue.columns: [{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', displayKey: 'text', valueKey: 'text', minEditorWidth: 150, minListWidth: 150, leftTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> l ', leftWidth: 35, listItemTpl: '<span class="flag {cls}"></span> <span class="country">{text}</span>', render: function(o){ var cls = 'flag-' + coutries[o.value]; o.value = '<span class="flag ' + cls + '"></span> <span class="country">' + o.value + '</span>'; return o; }, data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.json' } } },{ ...
auto minListWidth
NumberThe minimum width of list for combo column.
When column is not wide but values in list are long than for better look
it is possible to setminListWidth
minListWidth: 150,
NumberThe minimum width of column.
minWidth: 80,
BooleanEnables multiSelect for header filter combo.
},{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', width: 99, filter: { header: true }, displayKey: 'text', valueKey: 'text', multiSelect: true, itemCheckBox: true, minListWidth: 120, data: { proxy: { url: '/json-data/theme/countries.json' } } },{
NumberThis option is available for
column type and fornumber
column type if it has propertyformat: 'number'
.columns: [{ index: 'salary', type: 'currency', title: 'Salary in Dollar', precision: 2 },{ index: 'salary_eur', type: 'currency', title: 'Salary in Euro', precision: 2, currency: Fancy.currency.EUR },{ index: 'salary_gbp', type: 'currency', title: 'Salary in Pound', precision: 2, currency: Fancy.currency.GBP },{ index: 'salary_jpy', type: 'currency', title: 'Salary in Yen', precision: 2, currency: Fancy.currency.JPY
Link on JSFiddle
0 render
FunctionBefore grid cell will be updated with it's value, function
runs if it exist.Function
is mainly used for some not standard styling or formatting of cell value.render: function(o){ if(o.value < 0){ o.style = { color: '#E46B67' }; } else{ o.style = { color: '#65AE6E' }; } o.value = o.value + '%'; return o; }
BooleanLocking column to right side.
rightLocked: true,
false resizable
BooleanEnable resizing of column.
resizable: true,
false rowdrag
BooleanCombines column
and current column.
It adds drag elements to cells ifselModel
.rowdrag: true,
false searchable
BooleanThis property influence only on method search.
If column has propertysearchable: false
than searching ignores data values with column index.searchable: true,
true select
BooleanCombines column
and current column.
It adds checkboxes to cells ifselModel
.select: true,
false selectable
BooleanEnable column selection if
.selectable: true,
true smartIndexFn
FunctionHandler for generating custom cell value.
smartIndexFn: function(data){ return data.name + ' ' + data.surname; }
undefined sortable
BooleanEnable column sorting.
sortable: true,
false sorter
FunctionEnable custom column sort.
}, { index: 'age', width: 60, title: 'Age', sorter: function(dir, a, b) { switch (dir) { case 'asc': if (a === '') { return -1; } return a - b; case 'desc': if (b === '') { return -1; } return b - a; } return; }, type: 'number' }, {
undefined sparkConfig
ObjectsparkConfig is used only if type of column is one of sparklines.
All sparkConfig-s on site http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/
sparkConfig: { barColor: '#60B3E2', negBarColor: '#F57A75' }
BooleanEnable a pair of up/down spinner buttons. It is used only for
column.columns: [{ ... title: 'Salary', index: 'salary', type: 'number', spin: true, step: 1000, min: 0, max: 150000, format: { inputFn: salaryInputFn } ...
Numberincrement/decrement value for
column ifspin
is truecolumns: [{ ... title: 'Salary', index: 'salary', type: 'number', spin: true, step: 1000, min: 0, max: 150000, format: { inputFn: salaryInputFn } ...
1 subSearch
BooleanEnables search field in list with values.
This property disableseditable
It is used only for column typecombo
.{ index: 'country', title: 'Country', type: 'combo', subSearch: true, data: { proxy: { url: 'countries.php', method: 'POST', params: { region: 'europe' } } } }
StringColumn header text.
title: 'Name',
'' titleEditable
BooleanEnables column title editing by double click on text.
title: 'Name', titleEditable: true,
false type
StringColumn type.
type: 'string',
'string' values
is used only for sparkline column types.From
will be generated cell values for sparkline of column.This property is not required if it is set index of data.
The main purpose of this property is to auto generate column spark values from existed data.
values: ['toyota', 'gm', 'vw', 'ford', 'hyundai'],
},{ index: 'age', title: 'Age', width: 50, type: 'number', vtype: { before: ['notempty', 'notnan'], type: 'range', min: 20, max: 70 } }]
},{ index: 'email', title: 'Email', width: 150, vtype: 'email' },{
NumberColumn width.
width: 100,