- barHeight
- bbarHeight
- bbarHidden
- buttonsHeight
- buttonsHidden
- cellHeaderHeight
- cellHeight
- cellStylingCls
- cellTrackOver
- cellWrapper
- clicksToEdit
- cls
- columnClickData
- columnLines
- autoWidth
- align
- autoHeight
- cellAlign
- cellTip
- cls
- columns
- disallowAfterDrop
- displayKey
- draggable
- editable
- ellipsis
- exportFn
- exportable
- flex
- format
- headerCheckBox
- headerClickSort
- headerCls
- headerCellTip
- headerLImageCls
- hidden
- id
- index
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- listItemTpl
- lockable
- locked
- maxWidth
- menu
- minEditorWidth
- minListWidth
- minWidth
- multiSelect
- precision
- render
- resizable
- rightLocked
- rowdrag
- searchable
- select
- selectable
- smartIndexFn
- sortable
- sorter
- sparkConfig
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- summary
- title
- titleEditable
- type
- valueKey
- values
- vtype
- width
- controllers
- columnTrackOver
- contextmenu
- defaults
- dirtyEnabled
- draggable
- droppable
- dropZone
- dropZoneFn
- doubleHorizontalScroll
- emptyText
- activate
- beforeedit
- beforeendedit
- cellclick
- celldblclick
- cellenter
- cellleave
- change
- changepage
- changepagesize
- columnclick
- columndblclick
- columndrag
- columnenter
- columnhide
- columnleave
- columnshow
- columnresize
- columntitlechange
- deactivate
- delay
- deselectrow
- dragrows
- dropitems
- endedit
- filter
- init
- insert
- headercellclick
- headercellenter
- headercellleave
- load
- lockcolumn
- remove
- rowclick
- rowdblclick
- rowenter
- rowleave
- select
- selectrow
- servererror
- set
- scope
- sort
- startedit
- unlockcolumn
- update
- exporter
- flexScrollSensitive
- height
- id
- infinite
- i18n
- autoSizeColumn
- autoSizeColumns
- cancel
- columns
- decimalSeparator
- dragText
- loadingText
- lock
- no
- paging
- loadMask
- minHeight
- minWidth
- modal
- multiSort
- multiSortLimit
- nativeScroller
- paging
- renderOuter
- renderTo
- resizable
- rowEdit
- rowLines
- searching
- selModel
- shadow
- singleExpand
- state
- startEditByTyping
- stateful
- stateId
- striped
- subTBar
- allowToggle
- action
- cls
- data
- disabled
- displayKey
- editable
- emptyText
- enableToggle
- events
- format
- handler
- hidden
- id
- imageCls
- inputHeight
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- max
- menu
- minListWidth
- multiSelect
- multiToggle
- paramsMenu
- paramsText
- pressed
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- text
- tip
- toggleGroup
- type
- valueKey
- vtype
- width
- subTBarHeight
- subTBarHidden
- subHeaderFilter
- subTitle
- summary
- tabScrollStep
- tbar
- action
- allowToggle
- cls
- data
- disabled
- displayKey
- editable
- emptyText
- enableToggle
- events
- format
- handler
- hidden
- id
- imageCls
- inputHeight
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- max
- menu
- min
- minListWidth
- multiSelect
- multiToggle
- paramsMenu
- paramsText
- pressed
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- text
- tip
- toggleGroup
- type
- valueKey
- vtype
- width
- tbarHeight
- tbarHidden
- textSelection
- theme
- title
- Columns
- Events
- activate
- beforeedit
- beforeendedit
- cellclick
- celldblclick
- cellenter
- cellleave
- change
- changepage
- changepagesize
- columnclick
- columndblclick
- columndrag
- columnenter
- columnhide
- columnleave
- columnshow
- columnresize
- columntitlechange
- contextmenu
- deactivate
- deselectrow
- dragrows
- dropitems
- endedit
- filter
- init
- insert
- headercellclick
- headercellenter
- headercellleave
- load
- lockcolumn
- remove
- rowclick
- rowdblclick
- rowenter
- rowleave
- select
- selectrow
- servererror
- set
- sort
- startedit
- statechange
- unlockcolumn
- update
- Methods
- add
- addChild
- addColumn
- addEvent
- addFilter
- addGroup
- autoSizeColumns
- clearData
- clearDirty
- clearFilter
- clearGroup
- clearSelection
- collapse
- collapseAll
- collapseGroup
- copy
- deSelectRow
- destroy
- disableSelection
- each
- editCell
- enableSelection
- expand
- expandAll
- expandGroup
- exportToCSV
- exportToExcel
- find
- findItem
- fire
- firstPage
- flashCell
- flashRow
- get
- getById
- getCell
- getChanges
- getColumn
- getColumnById
- getColumns
- getData
- getDataAsCSV
- getDataFiltered
- getDataView
- getFilter
- getHeaderCell
- getHeight
- getPage
- getPages
- getPageSize
- getRowById
- getSelection
- getSorter
- getSubTitle
- getTitle
- getTotal
- getViewTotal
- getWidth
- hide
- hideBar
- hideColumn
- hideLoadMask
- isDirty
- isLoading
- insert
- lastPage
- load
- lockColumn
- nextPage
- on
- once
- prevPage
- redo
- remove
- removeAll
- removeAt
- removeColumn
- removeRow
- removeRowById
- rightLockColumn
- save
- scroll
- scrollToRow
- search
- selectCell
- selectCellDown
- selectCellLeft
- selectCellRight
- selectCellUp
- selectColumn
- selectRow
- set
- setById
- setColumnComboData
- setColumns
- setColumnTitle
- setColumnWidth
- setData
- setHeight
- setPage
- setPageSize
- setParams
- setSelModel
- setSubTitle
- setTitle
- setTrackOver
- setUrl
- setWidth
- show
- showAt
- showBar
- showColumn
- showLoadMask
- sort
- stopEditor
- stopSelection
- toggleCollapse
- toggleExpand
- un
- undo
- undoAll
- unLockColumn
- update
- updateFilters
NumberTheme property to set bar-s height.
Read more in Desing and Style section.barHeight: 30, bbar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
ArrayBottom bar.
bbar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
NumberProperty to set bbar height.
bbarHeight: 30, bbar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
ArrayButtons bar
buttons: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
NumberTheme property to set cell-s height in header.
Read more in Desing and Style section.cellHeaderHeight: 30, columns: [...]
NumberTheme property to set height of cells in grid bodies. Read more in Desing and Style section.
cellHeight: 32,
BooleanEnable adding css classname
on cell, when mouseover.cellTrackOver: true
false cellWrapper
BooleanAdd wrapper div inside of cell.
It is used for advanced styling.
cellWrapper: true
false clicksToEdit
Number|BooleanNumber of clicks on cell to show editor.
clicksToEdit: 1
Disable opening row edit over click
clicksToEdit: false
2 cls
StringThe CSS class to add to this element.
It needs to be careful with it.
If form is rendered in panel(if you are using title, bars, footer) than it is added to panel.
In other case it is added to form.cls: 'my',
'' columnClickData
BooleanEnable adding column data.
By default in
event there are not data of column because for big data it is not fast.If still data of column is needed than it is needed to enable columnClickData.
columnClickData: true
false columnLines
BooleanEnable column lines.
columnLines: false
true columns
ArrayGrid columns.
columns: [{ index: 'id', title: 'Id', locked: true, width: 50, type: 'number' },{ index: 'company', title: 'Company' }]
BooleanEnable adding css classname
on column, when mouseover.columnTrackOver: true
false controllers
ArrayControllers is the way to provide application architecture.
It helps to divide application code along logical lines.
It is possible to write code without controllers.
Controllers are structured alternative to events.
To start work with controller, it needs to define it over
FancyGrid.defineController('mycontrol', { controls: [{ event: 'cellclick', selector: '.sign-minus', handler: 'onClickMinus' },{ event: 'cellclick', selector: '.sign-plus', handler: 'onClickPlus' }], onClickMinus: function(grid, o){ }, onClickPlus: function(grid, o){ }, }); var grid = new FancyGrid({ ... controllers: ['mycontrol'], ... });
Object|ArrayGrid data.
Data in grid can be set in many ways, depending on needs.
JSON data data: [ {id: 1, name: 'Ted', surname: 'Smith'}, {id: 2, name: 'Ed', surname: 'Johnson', ]
Array data data: { items: [ [1, 'Ted', 'Smith'], [2, 'Ed', 'Johnson'] ] }
Array data with fields data: { fields: ['id', 'name', 'surname'], items: [ [1, 'Ted', 'Smith'], [2, 'Ed', 'Johnson'] ] }
Load JSON file. data: { proxy: { url: 'users.json' } },
RESTfull data: { proxy: { type: 'rest', url: 'app.php/users' } },
Server API for create, read, update, delete.data: { proxy: { methods: { create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, api: { create: 'new.php', read: 'load.php', update: 'update.php', destroy: 'destroy_action.php' } } },
Read data from chart data: { chart: { type: 'highchart', id: 'chart', fields: ['toyota', 'gm', 'vw', 'ford', 'hyundai'] } },
Send data from grid to chart data: { items: [ { toyota: 6800228, gm: 5779719, vw: 5429896, ford: 3956708, hyundai: 2003608 }, { toyota: 7211474, gm: 6259520, vw: 5964004, ford: 3565626, hyundai: 2292075 } ], chart: [{ type: 'highchart', id: 'column', fields: ['toyota', 'gm', 'vw', 'ford', 'hyundai'] }] },
ObjectColumns default properties.
defaults: { type: 'string', width: 100, editable: true, sortable: true },
BooleanDisable/enable dirty edit.
dirtyEnabled: false,
true draggable
param is true than draggable enables dragging of element over header.var grid = new FancyGrid({ window: true, modal: true, draggable: true, ... }); grid.show();
false doubleHorizontalScroll
BooleanThis property works if
nativeScroller: false
.Enable second horizontable scroller on top.
new FancyGrid({ doubleHorizontalScroll: true, ... });
false events
ArrayGrid event handlers.
var grid = new FancyGrid({ ... events: [{ cellclick: function(o){ }, scope: {}// not required },{ celldblclick: function(o){ } }] ... });
ObjectRow expander.
expander: { tpl: [ '<div style="float: left;">', '<img src="{image}" class="image-staff">', '</div>', '<div style="float: left;">', '<p>{name} {surname}</p>', '<p><b>Salary:</b> {salary}</p>', '<p><b>Phone:</b> {phone}</p>', '</div>' ].join(""), dataFn: function(grid, data){ data.salary = '$' + (data.hour * 170 * 12).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); return data; } },
expander: { render: function(renderTo, data, columnsWidth){ new FancyGrid({ renderTo: renderTo, width: columnsWidth - 20, height: 'fit', minHeight: 100, trackOver: true, selModel: 'rows', theme: 'gray', cellHeight: 92, data: data.sold, emptyText: 'Nothing to display', defaults: { type: 'string' }, columns: [{ index: 'image', width: 180, type: 'image', cls: 'image-car', title: '', locked: true },{ index: 'name', width: 140, title: 'Name' },{ index: 'price', width: 79, type: 'currency', title: 'price', },{ title: 'Color', index: 'color', width: 70, type: 'color', cls: 'color-column' }] }); } },
BooleanEnables export methods(Excel).
To generate Excel file, it is used SheetJSvar grid = new FancyGrid({ window: true, modal: true, exporter: true, ... }); ... grid.exportToExcel();
false filter
Boolean|ObjectEnables filter methods.
var grid = new FancyGrid({ window: true, modal: true, filter: true, ... }); ... grid.addFilter('age', '35', '<');
false flexScrollSensitive
BooleanWhen one of column has flex param to calculation width than it will
add for calculation left scrollbar width.
signals do not use scroll width.var grid = new FancyGrid({ ... flexScrollSensitive: false, columns: [{ flex: 1 },{ ... });
true footer
ObjectFooter bar.
var grid = new FancyGrid({ ... footer: { status: '* - Devices online per 100 inhabitants in 2015', source: { text: 'OECD', link: 'oecd.org' } }, ... });
MixedGrid height.
If value is
, height will be set to content.height: 500,
height: 'fit',
StringThere are several ways to get link on grid object. One of which is to set
and than to useFancy.getWidget('myGrid')
.new FancyGrid({ id: 'myGrid' }); ... var grid = Fancy.getWidget('myGrid');
var grid = new FancyGrid({ title: 'Localization - German', i18n: 'ge', ... });
var grid = new FancyGrid({ title: 'Localization - German', lang: { paging: { of: 'von [0]', info: 'Zeilen [0] - [1] von [2]' } } ... });
BooleanEnables Native Scroller.
new FancyGrid({ nativeScroller: true, ... });
false modal
BooleanIt enables modal for grid.
It requires do not define renderTo and set window.
var grid = new FancyGrid({ window: true, modal: true, .... }); grid.show();
false paging
BooleanEnable paging.
new FancyGrid({ ... paging: true, ...
false renderOuter
is alternative torenderTo
The only difference is that widget renders not in container but fills containers.
It helps to avoid using extra dom element as container.<div id="container"></div> ... new FancyGrid({ renderOuter: 'container', width: 690, height: 350, ...
<div id="container"></div> ... new FancyGrid({ renderOuter: document.querySelector('#container'), width: 690, height: 350, ...
MixedDom/id, where to render grid.
<div id="container"></div> ... new FancyGrid({ renderTo: 'container', width: 690, height: 350, ...
<div id="container"></div> ... new FancyGrid({ renderTo: document.querySelector('#container'), width: 690, height: 350, ...
<div id="container"></div> ... new FancyGrid(document.querySelector('#container'), { width: 690, height: 350, ...
BooleanSpecify as
to allow resizing, false to disable resizing.var grid = new FancyGrid({ resizable: true .... });
false rowDragDrop
BooleanEnables row drag and drop.
It requires enablingselModel: 'row' || 'rows'
.rowDragDrop: true
false rowEdit
Boolean|ObjectEnables row edit.
rowEdit: true
rowEdit: {}
false rowLines
BooleanEnable row lines.
rowLines: false
true searching
BooleanEnable search methods.
var grid = new FancyGrid({ width: 690, height: 350, shadow: false, searching: true, ... }); grid.search('Nick');
false selection
ObjectConfig of selection.
new FancyGrid({ renderTo: 'grid', width: 690, height: 350, selection: { row: true } ...
String|ObjectSelection model.
Possible values:'cell'
selMode: 'rows',
selModel: { type: 'rows', memory: true, checkOnly: true },
false shadow
BooleanEnable light shadow.
new FancyGrid({ renderTo: 'grid', width: 690, height: 350, shadow: false, ...
true singleExpand
BooleanIt is used for Tree Data only.
Only 1 node per branch may be expanded.new FancyGrid({ renderTo: 'grid', width: 690, height: 350, singleExpand: true, ...
false startEditByTyping
BooleanEnables edit cell by typing.
new FancyGrid({ renderTo: 'grid', width: 690, height: 350, startEditByTyping: true, ...
false stateId
StringId for store grid state config in localStorage.
striped: true
false stateful
Boolean|ObjectEnables memorizing of grid params states like: sorting, filtering, paging, column sizes.
To desable state action needs to choose from list and set false.
striped: true
stateful: { filter: false }
false striped
BooleanEnable stripe rows.
striped: false
true subTBar
is used as extra bar for grid's top when
is not enough.subTBar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
NumberProperty to set subTBar height.
subTBarHeight: 30, subTBar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
tbar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Add', action: 'add' }],
NumberProperty to set tbar height.
tbarHeight: 30, tbar: [{ type: 'button', text: 'Text', handler: function(){} }],
is used to modify tabs step scrolling value.textSelection: 80,
30 textSelection
BooleanEnables default browser text select.
textSelection: true,
false title
StringGrid title text.
title: 'Grid of statistics',
NumberTheme property to set panel title height.
Read more in Desing and Style section.titleHeight: 42,
StringIf you defined new theme, than property theme will enable it for grid.
theme: 'my'
BooleanEnable adding css classname
on all cells of row, when mouseover.trackOver: true
false width
MixedGrid width.
If width is not set than grid width become responsive.
If value is
, width will be set to content.width: 400,
height: 'fit',
BooleanThis param is used if grid is hidden on start and should be shown later.
It does grid positioned absolute.
It requires do not definerenderTo
.var grid = new FancyGrid({ window: true, modal: true, .... }); grid.show();